These Belgian noiseniks are back with their first long player since 2016’s “I Ate Myself To Grow Twice As Big”. 30,000 Monkeys still seem very intent on crushing skulls and making ears bleed with their own very peculiar brand of… Continue Reading →
Year Of The Cobra can be considered relative newcomers given they only started life in 2015. “Ash And Dust” is their sophomore long play release and continues to build on their brand of stoner doom delivered as a two piece… Continue Reading →
Some bands have a special quality. Maybe it’s a unique sound or look while for others it might simply be an aura. For some years I’ve been intrigued by Cold In Berlin after seeing them at Candlefest in London’s Underworld… Continue Reading →
Gévaudan know how to doom. Since forming in 2013 they’ve gigged hard and teased with a couple of EP’s. “Iter”, from the Latin meaning “the journey” represents their debut long player. The Hertfordshire quartet lean on classic Black Sabbath inspired… Continue Reading →
Starting life back in the 90’s as Forlorn before becoming Isole, these Swedish doom merchants have a steady stream of albums to their name. “Dystopia” arrives five years after their last release and this represents one of their longer periods… Continue Reading →
There’s a lot of retro “classic rock” around these days. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I guess it’s more about the way it’s done. Sweden for some apparent reason seems to have been a hotbed… Continue Reading →
New York post-doom outfit, Clouds Taste Satanic have released their fifth long player “Evil Eye”. This is a two track instrumental album released on Walpurgis Eve that is the first of a destined two part sonic journey which will continue… Continue Reading →
Welsh outfit Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard’s upward trajectory seems to know no boundaries at the moment. A visionary band, they set out on their quest to create a psychedelic, sci-fi trilogy that started with 2015’s “Noeth Ac Anoeth”, and 2017’s… Continue Reading →
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