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Author Johnny Zed

Having entered this world in the late '60's just when all the forces of heaviness were gathering, I’ve always loved heavy stuff even though I had a musically conservative upbringing in Australia. The first album I bought at age 11 - "Destroyer" by KISS pretty much gave me the taste. Jimi Hendrix and Black Sabbath are my true obsessions but I soon greedily devoured everything from Deep Purple and AC/DC to Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Slayer. I've always marvelled at the resilience of heavy metal over the decades. Arriving in London six years ago, I found myself entrenched in the underground after seeing Orange Goblin at the first High Voltage Festival and being blown away. Here I've happily remained, keenly following bands like Witchsorrow, Sea Bastard and Alunah to name a few and those countless others who I'm being always being introduced to. I’ve been astounded by the talent that surrounds us and the brilliant people that make this music. I’ve done some reviewing with and am now pretty damn excited to contribute to this fine site. It's a great feeling to support so many young bands in the underground where the real passion for music lies. Usually found at a gig with a pint in hand and band merch spilling out everywhere, I’ll see you around!

Charred Walls Of The Damned – Creatures Watching Over The Dead (Metal Blade)

Charred Walls Of The Damned, who some might refer to as a “supergroup” have delivered their third album albeit after a five year break. Certainly, the collective CV’s of the band members name check some of heavy metal’s finest –… Continue Reading →

Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard – Y Proffwyd Dwyll (New Heavy Sounds)

Welsh four piece outfit, Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard have wasted no time in following up their debut album with another slab of doom encrusted metal. One thing that is obvious from the outset is a maturity to their sound and… Continue Reading →

Kroh – Altars (Devizes/ Minotauro)

Kroh’s relatively brief lifespan hasn’t been without its’ ups and downs. With one album and a couple of split releases to their name, “Altars” represents a fresh start and a new line-up for the Birmingham band. Main man, Paul Kenney… Continue Reading →

Ten Foot Wizard / Boss Keloid / Chubby Thunderous Bad Kush Masters / Leo And The Bear – The Black Heart, London 26/8/16

The Black Heart has been steadily baking in brilliant summer heat ahead of this gig. There’s the promise of fuzzy riffs and stoner grooves to add a little sweat to the steady stream of punters making their way upstairs. Tonight’s… Continue Reading →

Svvamp – S/T (RidingEasy Records)

Sweden has been a notable player in dishing up quality retro rock bands. Graveyard and Horisont leap to mind as two, who over recent years have kept the vibe of the classic rock era alive in this part of the… Continue Reading →

Weedeater, Conan, Lo!, Thorax – Sydney University Manning Bar, 15/7/16

Ave Noctum travels far afield for this live one; all the way to my place of birth in fact – Sydney, Australia. Manning Bar at Sydney Uni is a brilliant venue and the perfect place to spend a Friday evening… Continue Reading →

These Hands Conspire – Sword Of Korhan (Ván)

Science fiction and heavy metal make for a wondrous partnership. Hailing from Berlin, These Hands Conspire have drawn on the classic 70’s and 80’s metal influences to create a soundtrack to their galactic tale. Debut effort, “Sword Of Korhan”, being… Continue Reading →

Waxen – Weihung Auf Satan (Moribund)

Shred Black Metal? Sure, we’ll give that a go. Toby Knapp’s one man band, Waxen has continued to blacken more souls with third release “Weihung Auf Satan”. Grim, dark and venomous, he takes the dark heart out of black metal… Continue Reading →

Arctic – S/T (Outer Battery)

Californian stoner riff worshippers, Arctic have just landed their self-titled debut after a number of years touring. Taking their cue from classic names such as Blue Cheer, Black Sabbath, Sleep and Jimi Hendrix, they’ve served up a slab of fuzz… Continue Reading →

Purson – Desire’s Magic Theatre (Spinefarm)

We just need to be clear from the outset – Purson’s sophomore effort, “Desire’s Magic Theatre” is not a heavy metal record. However, what we must also be clear about is that this is a work that will appeal to… Continue Reading →

Teverts – Towards The Red Skies (Subsound)

There are plenty of stoner metal bands around the world with a very common mission statement and, indeed sound. That’s natural. I find it a difficult thing sometimes, because there is often a fine line between influence and imitation and… Continue Reading →

30,000 Monkies – I Ate Myself To Grow Twice As Big (Consouling Sounds)

Belgian noisemakers, 30,000 Monkies are an interesting bunch. “I Ate Myself To Grow Twice As Big” is the band’s first full length outing following on from two EP’s. This is a curious mix of punkish attitude, doom and stoner riffs… Continue Reading →

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