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Deathspell Omega – Drought (Norma Evangelium Diaboli)

Deathspell Omega. Champions of the Emperor’s new clothes to some, grand innovators of occultist BM to others. 2007’s ‘Fas…’ always struck me as an almost impenetrably dense album, promising arcane wisdom but delivering only ecstatic dementia, sardonically laughing in the… Continue Reading →

Mongrels Cross – The Sins Of Aquarius (Hells Headbangers)

Just what exactly is a mongrel’s cross anyway? And why is it missing an apostrophe in this case? Who cares. Mongrels Cross from Australia sure as hell don’t, and anyway, that’s beside the point. The point is that of a… Continue Reading →

Moonreich – Curse Them (De Tenebrarum Principio)

Moonreich are a French black metal quartet who started off in 2008 as a solo project by founding member, Weddir (Guitar and vocals). Then in 2009 (after a disastrous gig) he decided to recruit new members: Odarec-drums, Macabre-bass and Arawn-guitars,… Continue Reading →

Talanas – The Waspkeeper (Eulogy Media)

I’ve barely read anything about these guys that didn’t mention black metal masters Akercocke and what a ‘huge influence’ they’ve been on the band, to quote Talanas front man Hal Sinden, This particular platter even includes a cameo by Akercocke’s… Continue Reading →

Anthrax – Den Atelier, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg 08/06/12

Apparently opening up the show tonight were Collapse and Revoker – the former missed due to late arrival; the latter, with their nods toward Machine Head, providing too much of a good excuse to go drink some hideous beer away… Continue Reading →

Árstídir lífsins – Vápna lækjar eldr (Ván Records)

Though Iceland’s Árstídir lífsins (meaning “the seasons of life”) is a relatively new group, the music they create is ageless – that which evokes the sights and sounds of towering forests watching stoically over shores of timeless oceans, the scents… Continue Reading →

Viking Skull – Cursed By The Sword ( Transcend Music Group)

For a band originally considered spoof metal, Viking Skull have proved surprisingly durable. Ten years and almost as many members on find the band on their fifth studio album. They have outlasted and surpassed the achievements of their unlamented alma… Continue Reading →

Wedding In Hades – Misbehaviour (BadMoodMan Music)

My first glimpse of Wedding In Hades was through the 2010 music video for their song ‘Widow’. The auguries were good.  A bunch of miserable, ashen-faced blokes rocking out in a church to a moody mix of My Dying Bride,… Continue Reading →

Waylander – Kindred Spirits (Listenable Records)

Folk metal bands: you either love their jaunty refrains and occasional use of penny whistles, or you want to invade their lands and impale them all on large spikes. I will admit that they may be slightly over represented in… Continue Reading →

Thornafire – Eclipse Nox Coagula (Ibex Moon Records)

Although active since 1998, this is just the third full-length effort from these Chilean death metallers. Boasting the drummer who is now playing with the legendary Pentagram (Chile),  Thornafire appears to be a three-piece steeped in the tradition of classic… Continue Reading →

HellLight – Funeral Doom/The Light That Brought Darkness (Solitude Productions)

Subtlety is not the name of the game here in the world of HellLight – at least as far as the sign posts to their musical tastes go. Their former label was Ancient Dreams (with me so far?) and the… Continue Reading →

Witchsorrow – God Curse Us (Rise Above Records)

Shitty name, non-shitty music. Such is the case with many a band, not surprisingly. Witchsorrow falls into this category. This had to be pointed out for those who may dismiss them based on their moniker alone, because to shun Witchsorrow… Continue Reading →

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