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Author Frank Allain

A dedicated Whitesnake enthusiast and a man who has been embroiled in the London extreme metal scene for the last fifteen years or so, I have been providing my self-important musings on metal for Ave Noctum (formerly Metal Team) for a few years now. Pomposity, harshness and a general distaste for beige ‘extreme-metal-by-numbers’ are my primary traits although I have been known to show the odd moment of weakness in the face of suitably muscular power metal. I’m also quite pretentious and will happily waffle on about electronica, classical music, neofolk and all that sort of stuff in an effort not to come across like a narrow-minded metal git. Which is clearly what I am.

Isvind – Gud (Folter Records)

Isvind are one of those obscure names that are whispered reverentially on the lips of those who worship the more obscure releases from the Scandinavian black metal scene of the mid-Nineties. Thanks to their debut ‘Dark Waters Stir’ debut from… Continue Reading →

Istapp – Frostbiten (Trollzorn)

This year may mark twenty years since Ulver’s seminal ‘Bergtatt’ debut full-length saw the light of day but its influence within the more pastoral, folk-tinged reaches of the black metal scene continues to be felt as strongly as ever. Enter… Continue Reading →

Midnight Odyssey – Shards of Silver Fade (I, Voidhanger)

Two hours, twenty minutes long. That’s what you’ll keep hearing in reference to ‘Shards of Silver Fade’ – two hours and twenty minutes. Yep, it’s a talking point – by anyone’s standards, this is a long, LONG old album and… Continue Reading →

Entrails – Obliteration (Metal Blade)

Chainsaw ‘Boss HM-2’ pedal guitar sound? Frantic D-beat drums? Guttural vocals akin to Autopsy’s Chris Reifert vomiting up his own oesophagus? Yep, it’s old-school Swedish ‘dØdsmetal’ time it seems and Entrails are certainly unwavering in their commitment to sonic aesthetics… Continue Reading →

Kamelot – Haven (Napalm)

Now, I’ve been aware of Kamelot for many, many years but I’ll be honest, I’ve never been able to get massively excited about their material. My research tells me that their former vocalist – the splendidly monickered Roy Khan –… Continue Reading →

Drudkh – A Furrow Cut Short (Season of Mist)

It’s about 2 and a half minutes into the second song, ‘Cursed Sons II’ that ‘A Furrow Cut Short’ really begins to sink in and the chills descend. It’s a typically strident refrain – at once stately yet laced with… Continue Reading →

Deletere – Les Heures De La Peste (Sepulchral Productions)

For over fifteen years, quietly and confidently, Sepulchral Productions has been flying the flag for Canadian home-grown black metal, seeking out some of the country’s most intriguing, obscure artists and presenting them to the world stage. Having released albums by… Continue Reading →

Urfaust – Apparitions (Van)

There has been a slow but steady upwards curve of hype surrounding this idiosyncratic duo over recent years. I remember excited whispering in the nether regions of the underground following the release of their ‘Giest ist Teufel’ debut back in… Continue Reading →

Glaciation – Sur Les Falaises de Marbre (Osmose)

For the uninitiated, Glaciation sees Alcest members Indria (bass) and Winterhalter (drums) take a break from their somewhat higher-profile day job and let their hair down with some rather invigorating post black metal. Given that their parent band has almost… Continue Reading →

Code – Mut (Agonia)

There seems to be a well of inspiration bubbling through this UK-based outfit presently – ‘Mut’ is the fourth album of their career, however it represents their second full-length in two years (with the release of the first two albums… Continue Reading →

An Autumn for Crippled Children – The Long Goodbye (Wicker Man Recordings)

Another prolific outfit here with their origins rooted firmly within the post-black metal sound, this Dutch three piece have issued four previous full-lengths since their inception in 2008 – an impressive work-rate by anyone’s standards. Number five ‘The Long Goodbye’… Continue Reading →

Blind Guardian – Beyond the Red Mirror (Nuclear Blast)

There are times when a band’s own distinctiveness can become a millstone around their neck – when the unique path that they forged can, as the years progress, begin to resemble something of a creative straitjacket compelling them to continue… Continue Reading →

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