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Author Eilish Foxen

As a death metal loving, beer and whiskey guzzling, potty mouthed gore obsessee, I figured I would fit right in amongst the realms of writers at Ave Noctum. Having spent my early teens listening to a vast majority of grunge and 80's glam metal, I swiftly graduated to the extreme side of the genre and have stayed there ever since. I spent three years learning how to be a professional metal nerd by studying Magazine Journalism at uni and have written for Terrorizer and MetalMouth. I'm currently in mourning over the loss of the mighty Neurotic Deathfest. Brutal death metal is the love of my life,along with dogs, rats, olives and Game of Thrones.

Interview – Abhorrent Decimation & Korpse

What with Brutal Death Metal being such an intense and powerful genre, one could be easily be fooled into thinking that its musicians were harrowing individuals. However, nothing could be further from the truth as we catch up with Londoners… Continue Reading →

Neurotic Death Fest – 013 Tilburg Holland – 17-19 April

On Friday 17th April, the world’s death metal community had the tattered old carpet whipped violently out from under its feet, as it was announced that the twelfth edition of the awesome Neurotic Deathfest festival that was about to commence… Continue Reading →

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