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Author Andy Barker

I guess I got into Metal by accident at 7 years old when I was given my brother's old record player with ONE record. His mates had told him that Black Sabbath sounded just like Status Quo...he didn't agree so Black Sabbath's debut was that one record. I never looked back. Got a battered old 4 piece drumkit when I was Ten years old and by 14 I had vowed to make my fortune as a Rock Star.
The next fifteen years included a few years as the drummer in Holosade, plus stints in Company Of Wolves, Dominion, Diamond Dogs and Intense, eventually dispelling that ambition, so I ended up running a specialist Metal CD/Record/T-Shirt shop in York for 7 years. £40 grand a year in rent for a shop in York means I am now solely an online trader...
I still turn up every now and again playing drums, bass or guitar in the odd band, be it live or in the studio, because once you have been a musician...or a's difficult to stop that creative urge.
When I write a review I remember what it was like to read a review of something I had been a creative part of. My opinion is just my opinion, and I try to be constructive. I believe that if a musician has taken the time to record his or her ideas then it has merit to someone and deserves respect. Music is all about personal taste, and if someone has taken the time to create it, the least I can do is take the time to listen.

Baden Metal Compilation Vol 2 – Flight Of The Griffin (Baden Metal)

Baden Metal’ (it sez ‘ere) is a German local scene support platform that has been on the go since 2002. It released it’s first compilation – an unsigned local Metal band compilation, back in 2008 called “Rise Of The Griffin”… Continue Reading →

Lingua Mortis Orchestra – ST (Nuclear Blast)

Victor Smolski likes to push the Power Metal boundaries, he’s been doing that since he recorded his first Rage studio outing back in 2001. It’s possible Lingua Mortis Orchestra has come about because Rage founder Peavy has thought it was… Continue Reading →

Witherscape – The Inheritance (Century Media)

In the Metal world Dan Swanö really should need no introduction. As one of the cornerstones of the Swedish Metal scene, he has (officially) performed on more than 30 different albums with bands as diverse as Edge of Sanity, Bloodbath,… Continue Reading →

Ereb Altor – Fire Meets Ice (Cyclone Empire)

Ereb Altor is the Viking Metal side project from members of Doomsters Isole (or it could be the other way round depending on your musical preference). This is actually their fourth full length album from the band that takes it’s… Continue Reading →

Sacred Oath – Fallen (Wienerworld)

Sacred Oath actually recorded their (largely overlooked) debut right back in 1987! They retain their original Vocalist/Guitarist and Drummer, are American, and dubbed as Power Metal. But straight away that European/American definition of Power Metal rears it’s head and I… Continue Reading →

Amberian Dawn – Re-Evolution (Encore)

Getting a new singer is always a big occasion for a band, especially when, in the case of Amberian Dawn, this only your 2nd singer after 4 albums with the previous one, Heidi Parviainen. So with great fanfare the band… Continue Reading →

Lonewolf – The Fourth And Final Horseman (Napalm)

As the name suggests, Lonewolf owe plenty in style to original German Pirateers Running Wild (‘Lonewolf’ being one of RW’s better known tracks of course), which I have to admit is an area of Power Metal that I’m quite partial… Continue Reading →

Queensryche – ST (Century Media)

It’s all got a bit Handbags-at-dawn with Queensryche recently, the latest chapter being the Geoff Tate version rushing an album out to try and get the jump on this the “Wilton/Jackson/Rockenfeld” Queensryche. All this petty squabbling over the name does… Continue Reading →

Edenbridge – The Bonding (SPV)

I do like a lot of the female fronted metal, from Trail Of Tears or Tristania to Kingfisher Sky or Within Temptation and plenty in between, but I don’t actually own any albums by Edenbridge. I’ve heard just about every… Continue Reading →

Masterplan – Novum Initium (AFM)

Masterplan are premier league Power Metal. There’s no getting around it. They were right from the start. Take a guitarist and drummer from Helloween, a bassist from Iron Saviour, the keyboardist from Children of Bodom and the unmistakably Metal voice… Continue Reading →

Children Of Bodom – Halo Of Blood (Nuclear Blast)

It’s uncanny. There seems to be SO many people who when asked about Children Of Bodom admit to liking their first 3, maybe they might include “Hate Crew Deathroll” too, but just about everyone I speak to in the Metal… Continue Reading →

Fejd – Nagelfar (Napalm)

Fejd return for the third instalment on their quest to prove Traditional Folk Metal isn’t just a load of old Balalaikas. Actually, there’s no Balalaikas at all – however there is Hurdy-Gurdie, Jew’s Harp, Recorder, Swedish Bagpipe, Moraharpa, Cow Antler,… Continue Reading →

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