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Author Andy Barker

I guess I got into Metal by accident at 7 years old when I was given my brother's old record player with ONE record. His mates had told him that Black Sabbath sounded just like Status Quo...he didn't agree so Black Sabbath's debut was that one record. I never looked back. Got a battered old 4 piece drumkit when I was Ten years old and by 14 I had vowed to make my fortune as a Rock Star.
The next fifteen years included a few years as the drummer in Holosade, plus stints in Company Of Wolves, Dominion, Diamond Dogs and Intense, eventually dispelling that ambition, so I ended up running a specialist Metal CD/Record/T-Shirt shop in York for 7 years. £40 grand a year in rent for a shop in York means I am now solely an online trader...
I still turn up every now and again playing drums, bass or guitar in the odd band, be it live or in the studio, because once you have been a musician...or a's difficult to stop that creative urge.
When I write a review I remember what it was like to read a review of something I had been a creative part of. My opinion is just my opinion, and I try to be constructive. I believe that if a musician has taken the time to record his or her ideas then it has merit to someone and deserves respect. Music is all about personal taste, and if someone has taken the time to create it, the least I can do is take the time to listen.

Iron Mask – Fifth Son Of Winterdoom (AFM)

The Press Release states Iron Mask are a Neo-Classical Power Metal band. If said press release hadn’t claimed this, then I wouldn’t have spent the whole of the first track thinking that someone had played a cruel trick and substituted… Continue Reading →

Dark Man Shadow – Victim Of Negligence (Schwarzdorn)

Symphonic Black Metal… And there you go, half of you reading this have just thought, “Oh, another load of Cradle Of Filth/Dimmu Borgir wannabes”. Fair point. It feels like in the last 10 years the term has been synonymous with… Continue Reading →

Tragodia – Mythmaker (Kolony)

On the surface, Italy’s Tragodia seemed easy enough to pigeon-hole. Power Metal in attitude with Progressive elements. Prog/Power. And yes, the opening track fits nicely into the niche. But as the album continues it becomes evident that they aren’t really… Continue Reading →

Embercrow – Blacklight Wanderers (InnerSun Records)

Dark Melancholic Metal from Germany – and the band’s debut no less! It wasn’t so long ago that Finland had the monopoly on Dark Metal, and sure the opening track does show that Embercrow have indeed, at some point, been… Continue Reading →

Epysode – Fantasmagoria (AFM)

Epysode’s debut totally passed me by! I missed it somehow – How?? I do like a bit of Dark Power Metal and sure enough this second offering has it in spades. There’s no Dragons being slayed here, no wizards. no… Continue Reading →

The Vision Bleak – Witching Hour (Prophecy)

The Vision Bleak released their fantastic debut 9 whole years ago in 2004! Well that was a shock – where does the time go? It was at the height of Gothic Metal and their dark theatrical ‘horror metal’ (as they… Continue Reading →

Dark Age – A Matter Of Trust (AFM)

I really thought I had Dark Age sussed by the end of the first two tracks. Two rather decent tracks of what anyone now over the age of 25 would dub Gothic Metal (before lazy P.R. Types and journos used… Continue Reading →

Ashes Of Ares – ST (Nuclear Blast)

I’ve only heard Matt Barlow sing outside the confines of Iced Earth on Pyramaze’s 2008 CD “Immortal”, but I was told that the music was already written for that album so it was a similar situation to Iced Earth…again. He… Continue Reading →

Wolfpakk – Cry Wolf (AFM)

The 2nd installment of Wolf-obsessed Melodic Metal from the project written by, and put together by highly respected vocalists Michael Voss (Mad Max/Casanova) and Mark Sweeney (Crystal Ball). 2011’s debut was well received so they are back this year with… Continue Reading →

ReVamp – Wildcard (Nuclear Blast)

Just listen to Floor Jansen’s voice! Isn’t that just one of the many reasons we love Metal more than any other music? Metal musicians take things to the extreme, push the boundaries, usually ignore trends and generally like to be… Continue Reading →

Saltatio Mortis – Das Schwarze Einmaleins (Napalm)

Saltatio Mortis are rather well described in an excellent review of their recent live album by Gizmo elsewhere on Ave Noctum so really it would save a lot of time and effort if you could all read that review first… Continue Reading →

Equilibrium – Waldershrein (Nuclear Blast)

Equilibrium should be available on the NHS. In fact, Folk Metal in general should be prescribed as an alternative remedy to drugs like Prozac – “Yes Mrs Clarke, we’d like to try something a little different, if you could play… Continue Reading →

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