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Author Andy Barker

I guess I got into Metal by accident at 7 years old when I was given my brother's old record player with ONE record. His mates had told him that Black Sabbath sounded just like Status Quo...he didn't agree so Black Sabbath's debut was that one record. I never looked back. Got a battered old 4 piece drumkit when I was Ten years old and by 14 I had vowed to make my fortune as a Rock Star.
The next fifteen years included a few years as the drummer in Holosade, plus stints in Company Of Wolves, Dominion, Diamond Dogs and Intense, eventually dispelling that ambition, so I ended up running a specialist Metal CD/Record/T-Shirt shop in York for 7 years. £40 grand a year in rent for a shop in York means I am now solely an online trader...
I still turn up every now and again playing drums, bass or guitar in the odd band, be it live or in the studio, because once you have been a musician...or a's difficult to stop that creative urge.
When I write a review I remember what it was like to read a review of something I had been a creative part of. My opinion is just my opinion, and I try to be constructive. I believe that if a musician has taken the time to record his or her ideas then it has merit to someone and deserves respect. Music is all about personal taste, and if someone has taken the time to create it, the least I can do is take the time to listen.

Silent Call – Truth’s Redemption (Dust On The Tracks)

I’m torn. Torn between championing the cause of a massively underrated and under-exposed Metal band, and the pride I feel when chatting about Progressive Metal to like minded people and playing them Silent Call – who invariably they have never… Continue Reading →

Xerath – III (Candlelight)

  Thanks to UK Metallers Xerath’s consistent live work it appears that I am one of the few Ave Noctum scribes to be unfamiliar with the band. So why, therefore does it fall upon me to review their imaginatively titled… Continue Reading →

Opeth – Pale Communion (Roadrunner)

  Opener ‘Eternal Rains Will Come’ is a stunner. It kicks straight in with a keyboard style (courtesy of new member Joakim Svalberg) that Ken Hensley would be proud to call his own, before in classic Opeth style, they turn… Continue Reading →

Hammerfall – (r)Evolution (Nuclear Blast)

  Shiny Realistic Plastic Sword…CHECK Painted Wooden Shield….CHECK Denim Jacket with patches and the sleeves cut off…CHECK Tight Leather Trousers…CH…Nope…hang on…damn things must have shrunk somehow…hnnnnnggg…CH….E…CK 24 Bottles of Lager…CHECK (…and there goes the top button on the trousers….) Martina… Continue Reading →

Nucleus Torn – Street Lights Fail (Prophecy)

So, have you ever thought to yourself “I really wish that Tori Amos would just Metal things up a bit, y’know? Keep all that sombre melancholy but up the Prog Metal factor?” Nope, me neither, but in the hope that… Continue Reading →

Derdian – Human Reset (S/R)

  I had the pleasure of reviewing Derdian’s last release, 2013’s self released “Limbo” for Ave Noctum, and the biggest surprise that 2014 holds (other than that the band have trusted me to review them again!) is that they still… Continue Reading →

Crimson Shadows – Kings Among Men (Napalm)

  Blending genres is something I like to hear. It can be interesting to realise that two musical styles weren’t as far apart as I might have thought. I never really thought Power Metal and Melodic Death Metal to be… Continue Reading →

Saturn – Ascending Live In Space (Rise Above)

Despite the title of this Swedish retro band’s first release, this is not a live album performed in space. It would be cool…but no, it’s not even Live. Though the album’s basic sound IS from a time when having landed… Continue Reading →

Eluveitie – Origins (Nuclear Blast)

  Eluveitie’s 2008 release “Slania” is one of my all time favourite albums. I think it’s fantastic, having the right blend of Folk and Metal played by hugely talented musicians, all wrapped up in great arrangements and interesting songs. And… Continue Reading →

Empyrium – The Turn Of The Tides (Prophecy)

  Firstly, I should say that I think I’ve been given this to review because I really like The Vision Bleak, have heard some Empyrium in the past and a some Noekk too. I’m not really coming at this like… Continue Reading →

Alestorm – Sunset On The Golden Age (Napalm)

  AVAST YE….Oh, bollocks to it, I really can’t be bothered. Every bloody Alestorm review seems to start with some reviewer doing Pirate impressions – well not me, lets leave that to the band! Nope, no nautical silliness from this… Continue Reading →

Interview – Vintersorg

Vintersorg, the man, the vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, has contributed to more than 25 albums since 1994, encompassing many different styles of Metal. His past and present bands include Otyg, Fission, Waterclime, Havayoth and Cronian, but is probably best known for… Continue Reading →

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