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Author Andy Barker

I guess I got into Metal by accident at 7 years old when I was given my brother's old record player with ONE record. His mates had told him that Black Sabbath sounded just like Status Quo...he didn't agree so Black Sabbath's debut was that one record. I never looked back. Got a battered old 4 piece drumkit when I was Ten years old and by 14 I had vowed to make my fortune as a Rock Star.
The next fifteen years included a few years as the drummer in Holosade, plus stints in Company Of Wolves, Dominion, Diamond Dogs and Intense, eventually dispelling that ambition, so I ended up running a specialist Metal CD/Record/T-Shirt shop in York for 7 years. £40 grand a year in rent for a shop in York means I am now solely an online trader...
I still turn up every now and again playing drums, bass or guitar in the odd band, be it live or in the studio, because once you have been a musician...or a's difficult to stop that creative urge.
When I write a review I remember what it was like to read a review of something I had been a creative part of. My opinion is just my opinion, and I try to be constructive. I believe that if a musician has taken the time to record his or her ideas then it has merit to someone and deserves respect. Music is all about personal taste, and if someone has taken the time to create it, the least I can do is take the time to listen.

Isole – The Calm Hunter (Cyclone Empire)

It’s AGES since I heard anything by Isole. My choice I’m sorry to say, as I heard their debut and follow-up at a time when it seemed like all I was listening to was Metal packed with orchestration, technical arrangements,… Continue Reading →

Bloodbound – Stormborn (AFM)

Power Metal. Mocked by many, revered by some – but what exactly is it? For me it has encompassed so many bands that the actual genre is HUGE. In the 80’s it included acts as diverse as Running Wild, Savatage,… Continue Reading →

Divine Ascension – Liberator (ViciSolum)

“Why do you always make a point of saying Female-fronted in your reviews?” a friend of mine commented recently. “Because you don’t say Male-fronted Metal do you?” continued my friend (rapidly hurtling toward the rank of acquaintance…). Despite me thinking… Continue Reading →

Triosphere – The Heart Of The Matter (AFM)

Luckily I live in a detached house. I’m not gloating or anything – it’s my potential neighbours I’m thinking of, because when an album like Triosphere’s 3rd release “The Heart Of The Matter” comes along (a bit like I felt… Continue Reading →

Kissin’ Black – Heart Over Head (Motor Entertainment)

On an ever increasing journey to birth new genres and experiences, our beloved Metal has spawned another new one – Dark Country Rock/Metal. Yep! Here it is, playing away merrily like it doesn’t have a care in the world, razzing… Continue Reading →

Epitaph – Crawling Out Of The Crypt (High Roller)

Classic 80’s style Heavy/Doom Metal anyone? From an Italian band that were there the first time but have only just got around to re-recording their best tracks? A band that dress in silver pointy hats, fake Spock ears, skin-tight cropped… Continue Reading →

Starkill – Virus Of The Mind (Century Media)

“Starkill Starkill shining bright, is this band a bag of shite?” Well, no, actually far from it, I was just wondering if the band’s Press Release would be more entertaining if that was all it said. But that aside, if… Continue Reading →

Fräkmündt – Landlieder & Fromdländler (Prophecy)

A traditional Swiss folk band with links to the fabulous Eluveitie? How hard can that be to review? “Yeah, no problem Mr. Editor, send that one over and I’ll sort it”. Bollocks. How I soon regretted those ill-chosen words. All… Continue Reading →

Sanctuary – The Year The Sun Died (Century Media)

The house lights dimmed – it went dark. We all waited for the start of the inevitable intro tape – there’s ALWAYS an intro tape, and just who were this ‘Sanctuary’ lot anyway? Looks from the name like a bunch… Continue Reading →

Threshold – For The Journey (Nuclear Blast)

Well that’s buggered the opening for my review! How can I start with “Threshold, the UK’s finest Progressive Metal band return…” when the record company are going to great lengths to claim that Threshold aren’t a Progressive Metal band any… Continue Reading →

White Empress – Rise Of The Empress (Peaceville)

Well here’s something to upset anyone who quickly read the words ‘Symphonic’ and ‘Female-fronted’ and were hoping for another Nightwish! It’s not happening here kiddies, this is Symphonic Extreme Metal where Luna Mortis singer Mary Zimmer handles ALL vocal styles… Continue Reading →

Evergrey – Hymns For The Broken (AFM)

The accompanying press release states that Evergrey very nearly called it quits a couple of years ago – I guess there’s only so many songs of despair and misery some band members can stomach – but it would have been… Continue Reading →

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