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Author Andy Barker

I guess I got into Metal by accident at 7 years old when I was given my brother's old record player with ONE record. His mates had told him that Black Sabbath sounded just like Status Quo...he didn't agree so Black Sabbath's debut was that one record. I never looked back. Got a battered old 4 piece drumkit when I was Ten years old and by 14 I had vowed to make my fortune as a Rock Star.
The next fifteen years included a few years as the drummer in Holosade, plus stints in Company Of Wolves, Dominion, Diamond Dogs and Intense, eventually dispelling that ambition, so I ended up running a specialist Metal CD/Record/T-Shirt shop in York for 7 years. £40 grand a year in rent for a shop in York means I am now solely an online trader...
I still turn up every now and again playing drums, bass or guitar in the odd band, be it live or in the studio, because once you have been a musician...or a's difficult to stop that creative urge.
When I write a review I remember what it was like to read a review of something I had been a creative part of. My opinion is just my opinion, and I try to be constructive. I believe that if a musician has taken the time to record his or her ideas then it has merit to someone and deserves respect. Music is all about personal taste, and if someone has taken the time to create it, the least I can do is take the time to listen.

Wolfpakk – Rise Of The Animal (AFM)

Ah, Wolfpakk, so we meet again…and my, what big teeth you have! I had the honour of reviewing their previous outing “Cry Wolf” in 2013, which on the whole was very good (if I ignore the Michael Bolton meets Disney… Continue Reading →

UFO – A Conspiracy Of Stars (SPV)

Twenty Two Studio Albums! Can you imagine being in a band that has done 22 studio albums? And that doesn’t include all the live albums, side-projects and solo releases. Now OK, from the original line-up, only singer Phil Mogg and… Continue Reading →

Diablo Blvd – Follow The Deadlights (Nuclear Blast)

Diablo Blvd. (or Diablo Boulevard if you prefer) are a Belgian Metal band with comedian for a singer. It’s not that Alex Agnew’s vocals are particularly amusing or his lyrics have your side’s splitting, no, he’s an actual Comedian, a… Continue Reading →

Zero Down – No Limit To The Evil (Minotauro Records)

There’s something immediately American about Zero Down. The instantly familiar style of the artwork (done by Ed Repka of Death/Megadeth etc fame) aside, the band’s look, style and sound really does seem very Stateside. And Zero Down ARE American (luckily… Continue Reading →

Crossnail – Sands Of Time (Nightmare Records)

It’s not easy reviewing a two track, especially when one of those two tracks is a cover and the other features a guest vocalist! But that’s what I got, and that’s what I gotta do. Crossnail used to be known… Continue Reading →

Alpha Tiger – iDentity (SPV)

Raise those horns everyone – and let me see those fists in the air! Oh Yes – The third album from German Metallers Alpha Tiger has arrived…and it’s a full-on Metal-fest! OK, I know the other two were hardly jazz-rock,… Continue Reading →

Orden Ogan – Ravenhead (AFM)

German Power Metal has a history, a tradition. If you are going to step up and be the future of German Power Metal then you have to make damn sure you have it’s past covered. You can’t cover it all… Continue Reading →

Pythia – Shadows Of A Broken Past (Golden Axe)

The UK doesn’t have a vast amount of Symphonic Metal bands, but of the few we have Pythia are one of our best – I love the fact that it was formed by a former member of the Mediaeval Baebes… Continue Reading →

Scapes – One:Unseen:One (Nihil Ultra)

I heard just one song, opening track ‘Caring Is Gone’, and I rather leapt at the chance of hearing more. A brand new band from Finland settling themselves nicely in that awkward-to-categorize genre often (and rather loosely) classified as Dark… Continue Reading →

Knight Area – Hyperdrive (Lasers Edge)

The strangely named Knight Area (makes me think of a seedy Chess Piece only Night Club, with designated regions – Bishops huddled together in one corner, Rooks in another plotting their downfall, and in a dimly lit area that’s just… Continue Reading →

The Flight Of Sleipnir – V (Napalm)

I’ve got to be honest, I think I initially bit off a bit much when I volunteered to review this one. Totally my fault, I was unfamiliar with the band, saw the artwork, scanned through a brief description and thought… Continue Reading →

Vanguard X Mortem – Neptune Fragrance (S/R)

Neptune Fragrance? Hmm, smells a bit fishy to me! Hahahahaha – Oh come on, like I’m the only reviewer who’s going to use THAT line? Besides, I reviewed VXM’s debut at the beginning of last year, so I feel I… Continue Reading →

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