A new name? Yes! A new band? Most certainly not! This collective of three ladies and one gent from Brighton were originally conceived in 2008 under the name Birdeatsbaby. We have been singing their praises for quite some time and rightly so. Line-up changes have seen founding members Mishkin Fitzgerald & Gary Mitchell more recently joined by Hana Maria and Anna Mylee and the group have built up a loyal following with a wealth of music which has never been restricted by genre. Under an all-encompassing ‘dark carnival’ tag they have incorporated many facets into their craft and with it seem adept at picking up almost any instrument thrown at them and learning it in record time. There have been five excellent albums, a wealth of singles and members have also entwined around each other in various familial offshoots such as Mishkin Fitzgerald and The Chemical Perils and Hana Piranha. Through clever utilisation of assets like Patreon and eye-catching, in-house, inventive video compositions of their music (of which this album comes with five single representations) they have caught plenty of attention and in my mind should be huge. Recently the group have been flirting with monster metal loons Lordi and theatrically putting on shamanic, ritualistic performances on tour with them as they themselves transformed into Crimson Veil. This is just a basic synopsis there is so much more I could mention but we haven’t even got to the new music yet. Before we do though I am somewhat concerned by one thing and that is the status of Birdeatsbaby. Is there room for both them and Crimson Veil? Is the latter a change made simply to present a heavier side to their music and will both bands co-exist? Well I hope so but I guess for now that future is unwritten.

Onto ‘Hex’ itself and its nine one-word tracks of which the title number is the first. Be prepared for the opener to put a spell on you with electronic weaves, witchy vocals and demonic scriptures. Darkness is mystically and beautifully rendered over this entrancing rite but it’s the bruising motion of the strobe inducing mania and hungry growls at conclusion which will really have you paying attention. The sublime melody of ‘Ribbons’ and accompanying video is designed to tie you in knots with dark fairy-tale poeticism as the spider within divinely develops its web and totally ensnares. By contrast ‘Flinch’ is more of a slap round the chops moving from Hana’s violin intro to a djenty swagger and Mishkin’s vocals moving from demonic to angelic in one swift move. Classical music, metal, lounge, jazz and trip-hop are all ingredients stirred into a cauldron and allowed to bubble. Spells are constantly cast and the music is always shape-shifting. Emphasis falls on the “hammer” chorus of ‘Shift’ and suddenly you are struck by a Middle Eastern melody then heavy progressive rock leanings, never knowing quite what is coming next.

Dark reflection is at the heart of songs such as ‘Illuminate’ and ‘Awake.’ Fragility, introspectiveness and very personal songs, they can’t help but touch the listener. These are stories of struggle and the demons here are not so metaphorical but the type that follow us all through life. Delivered with honesty and as far as the latter is concerned some twisty prog rock lines and wrathful vocals, the accompanying videos prove the perfect guide through troubled waters. The simple title of last song ‘Task’ should not be understated as this inventive pot bubbles over with a 12-minute epic conclusion. What of its subject matter and have they achieved it as they throw out everything in their armoury mixing elements from abrasive metalcore to chamber music? Yep as far as I am concerned they have despite the fact that this is an album that was always going to preach to the already converted.

The aims of Crimson Veil are hefty ones and goals are set at playing the likes of Wacken and Bloodstock Festivals. I certainly will not be surprised to see them achieve this and the future will hopefully see them reaching the greatness they deserve…Don’t take my word for it though, let the music, the videos and not just the present but the past do the talking. Who knows Crimson Veil could be your favourite if not entirely new band!

(8.5/10 Pete Woods)



