This album by Hungarian band Os actually came out in 2022 originally but this cassette version was kindly sent to us by Godz Ov War with a couple of other more recent ones; reviews to follow. So as resident tape collector (it’s a black metal/dungeon synth curse) it seemed a good opportunity.

Apparently the band (whose name means bone) are part of the Bone Chapel Collective and are practitioners of the dark sounds of death metal. ‘Opening’ is a piece of ambient, noise, muttered vocals in a ritual like style with curious breathing, clanking and disturbing sounds. ‘Gaze’ following does not disappoint; we get real low end, rumbling and grinding death metal, the kind that whilst actually quite pacey has the feel of a lumbering beast so downtuned both riffs and vocals are. It has such a thick atmosphere to it, suffocating and clinging and is just the kind of brutal death metal I like. The odd squeal of guitar aside it is just relentless pressure against my skull, a strange subterranean sound that even as the drums hit the speed hard retains a sense of massive size. ‘Submerge’ is crushed into the same mould; different riff, same feel, same inescapable pull. Os have a sound and they damned well go with it so well; old school brutal death, monomaniacal intent and an ugly, strong sound that tightens like a slow collapse of rock.

Flip the tape and if you were expecting change or relief, think again. ‘Inhale’ crawls in like a beast finding its prey. Juddering riff croaking vocals, pitch black sound. Slow acting acid dripping until ‘Dissolve’ slides through the soil and ‘Abyss’ leaves you isolated in the void created.

Now there are a couple of things this album is not; varied is one and a dizzying step into the unknown is another. But what it is it does very well. This is grim, relentless death metal that leaves gouges in the subterranean passages it stalks and wraps itself around your chest like a straight-jacket and never lets up on the pressure. You may not need it in your life, but if you like death metal I’ll bet you there are times you will want it.

Pretty darned horrible. In a good way.

(7/10 Gizmo)