Sometimes you listen to something and while the subject matter may be truly grotesque and the stuff of nightmares, it’s still fiction and takes the edge off slightly. Granted you’re having a glimpse into someone’s depravity, but since it’s fantasy you are aware that the author is still able to control themselves and using our medium as a release. In this instance however, the fact that Monument of Misanthropy are returning for their third album, and they’ve based this concept album around Ed Kemper, all but shows that some are unable to control that impulse and it drives home what a sick and twisted species we are given half a chance. Formed 14 years ago in Vienna, there was some kind of split 6 years ago which led to two bands running under the same moniker until one relented and changed name. Comprising of vocalist George “Misanthrope” Wilfinger, guitarists Julius Kössler and Joe Gatsch, bassist Raphael Hendlmayer, and with Fleshgod Apocalypse’s drummer Eugene Ryabchenko pounding the skins for them on this album.

The first think you see, if you were to be picking this up as an album, would be Daemorph Art’s cover, harking back to an Ed Repka styled beautiful carnage.

From the opening statements made in “First Time It Makes You Sick To Your Stomach”, you know you’re going to be in for a rather sombre ride. One that’s delivered at breakneck speed and with a vicious ferocity that even Ed might envy as the drums churn on “How To Make A Killer”, with the grinding guitars still managing to bring forth a melody as the vocals flip from deep growls to rasping shrieks, even finding time for a quick bass solo.

The vocals on “The Atascasdero Years” once again are two pronged, with the slower growls over the heady guitar rhythm, while the shrieks fit nicely over the blasting cacophony.

They choppy rhythm for “Hits One And Two” is interlaced with quick lead breaks that belie the heaviness of what’s going on behind them as the notes are pried from the fretboard.

The eerie interview question “Why Did You Keep Their Heads?” blasts straight into “Manipulating The Experts” with its catchy guitar riff chugging along behind the drums and acerbic vocals, but the lead is actually hyper melodic and easy going, to contrast everything else.

The title track “Vile Postmortem Irrumatio” is both disturbing and enticing, as the staccato rhythm has you wanting to chant along to the lyrics, but at the same time… I’m sure you’d rather not.

I don’t think I want to know what “The Devil’s Slide” is meant to be, unless it has something to do with the number of times the guitarists hands are sliding up then hitting a plethora of rapid notes on their way down their fretboard.

The soundbite “Oh, I Suppose You’re Gonna Want Sit Up And Talk All Night Now?” takes us into “A Nice Beheading For MoM”, which also has the first video release for the album. The sharp, crisp changes on the drums have the guitars needing to have perfect timing for the palm muted stoppages, all the while still managing to carry a melodic undercurrent that’s both mesmerising and chilling.

The slower groovier elements of “Pueblo Paranoia” are still interspersed with manic drum blasts before the guitar runs aurally assault you, as do the rapidly barked vocals.

They end the album with a Dying Fetus cover, “Your Treachery Will Die With You” which they deliver with just as much aggression and precision as the original, including on the lead runs.

Unless you hadn’t worked it out, musically they are extreme death metal played at blinding speed, but with utmost precision, keeping everything short at to the point.

 (8/10 Marco Gaminara)