Wafting a foul odour since 2010, it has taken this Swedish band until now to unleash their debut album following on from a couple of demo and EP releases. First surprise here was the fact they are actually the only band to have nabbed this moniker. The second is that on listening to it I did not get the expected grizzly, rotting, gore, obsessed death metal that I was expecting. Neither bearing in mind the title of the album was I struck by being plunged into the depths of misery and nihilism I had anticipated. Perhaps the tag of “Necrotic Metal Of Death & Decay” applied to their earlier work and they have moved on a bit from there. I’m kind of glad if that is the case as it has made this 6-track album a much more interesting proposition than so many carbon copying artists treading an all-too familiar path.

A. Death appears to be the main protagonist here aided by backing vocals from Grave and Crypt. At some point, we are not informed where, are contributions from members of Hatespawn and Patronymicon. Starting the album in funeral tones, organ solemnly takes us behind the veil of ‘Ab Initio / Malevolent Benevolence’ and doom-laden guitar notes have a classic My Dying Bride feel about them. Vocals are rugged growls and lyrically this certainly summons a graven mourning view of the album title. The death is quick to thump in and is vigorously unleashed by the drumming and riff-fuelled energy which is catchy melody wise and a lot jollier than expected. Religion devours the land and decimates all who follow on ‘Locust Temple’ and far from atypical Swedish sound the blackened death gallop of the track reminds more of Greek artists such as Deviser and Rotting Christ. It’s a right old head-banger too and likely to tie the listener in knots whilst wrecking neck keeping up with it. The ravenous and enthusiastic manner of things continues into ‘The Sphere Of Man.’ It blackly thrashes and tumbles away, threatening to come off the rails and crash. Although the ever-present themes are acknowledged and roared out this is a case of salutation and praise to the glory of death rather than a case of saturation of doom and gloom.

Even when a brief ‘Intermissio’ brings a bit of that to the table it’s quickly swiped away by the gruff and gung-ho blaze of ‘Vermin.’ Horror, death, rot and “infested walking maggots” may all get name checked vocally but Mr Death actually sounds like he is revelling in it all rather than fixating on grim decay and the conflicting result is quite the conundrum. Delivered like a rapacious disease, guitar licks flourish in an infectious way and there’s even a dervish of a solo flung into ‘Son Of Perdition’ to keep us on our toes. Final number ‘J1:12 / Må döden skona oss från livet / VI.III. Consummatum Est’ may well suggest obscure orthodoxy and with it comes some serious Swedish darkness that does remind of bands on both sides of the spectrum from Dissection to old Necrophobic. The overall combination of everything here from music to narrative has left me a little confused I guess but the main thing is that I have really enjoyed this surprisingly upbeat album. Catch a dose yourself at the following links.

(7.5/10 Pete Woods)

