London party doom monsters Gurt are back! Praise be. “Satan Etc” is the band’s fifth studio effort and continues their collaboration with producer Steve Sears. The band members have each been on their own personal emotional journeys since the “Bongs Of Praise” LP and this release finds a more focussed, aggressive set of tracks that are condensed not only in track length but also the level of aggression.

Straight out of the blocks you know this is Gurt.
“The Most Dying Way To Die” has a thunderous riff and Gareth Kelly’s insane howling vocals are like an old friend returning. A ton of swagger and chest-beating animalism bring back that unbridled party doom vibe that is so irresistible. Bill Jacobs’ drumming continues to be a force of nature on the chaotic freneticism of “Knife Fever”. A ballsy cacophony of dense, sludge driven riffs, the late song drive is pure killer. The instant feel on this album is one of aggression but in their own tongue-in-cheek manner. Shades of Eyehategod show up on tracks like “In For A Penny In For A Pound” and “Sandworm Fleshlight” where slanty guitar chimes are smashed by thick, sludge coated dirges.

All the elements that make Gurt so loved are present. The heads down groove of cuts like “Doi Of The Doid” and “Appetite For Construction” mix with the more Sabbathian inspired blasts on “Ennui Go” – for my mind one of the album’s standout tracks; it’s a slower doom builder that gradually revs up to a heart pounding pace. These sorts of “sonic explosion moments” are a hallmark of the album as a whole and reiterate that party doom tag that applies to Gurt. The stuttering riff of “Sandworm Fleshlight” sets up closing track “Electric Brown” and by this time you’re ready crank the whole lot up all over again.

“Satan Etc” stands as one of Gurt’s finest releases. The shorter, sharper aggressive nature of each song packs a walloping punch. The essence of the band remains; along with the brutality of the riffs and those throat shredding vocals is a band that knows how to have fun with their songs. Totally irresistible and made for a complete blast, this is going to be one the best British underground releases this year. Party!

(9/10 Johnny Zed)