Up front about this: I have what might be described as a ‘difficult’ relationship with melodic death metal. Some styles I adore (Countless Skies, Amon Amarth, Aephanemer, Valafar). Others not so much. So bear that in mind.

This here Italian lot Ontborg are on their sophomore album and, yep, opener and title track is a good start indeed. That Amon Amarth downbeat melody to the riff, the battery drums and chunky bass and really decent vocals. Mid paced and with a clean hook it’s a cool start. Except at six minutes for an opener maybe a tad lengthy? Maybe.

‘Purgatory’ follows a similar style; mid paced with nice dense chugging riff and the odd outbreak of speed to the drums. Not as engaging if I’m honest but nonetheless highlights a nicely tight band and a clear idea of the guitar sound they want. ‘Echoes Of Time’ has just the slightest tinge of black to it, a sharper riff initially before hauling it back to the classic mid pace riff with the melody laid over the top. ‘Nightfall’ has a little more bounce before the drumming rolls over it and carries it into that melodic Viking metal feel once more.

The epic ‘To The North’ is a ponderous stomp, but a curious one for me as somehow I feel it lacks the necessary weight, musical and emotional, to convey the feeling that the melody seems to be reaching for. Which for nearly nine minutes of music is a bit of a shame.

The second half of this about one hour long album pretty much follows the pattern set by the first half but by this time it has even with repeat plays the added problem of fatigue. You see there hooks that there are and the melodies woven in rarely grab me and never by the throat, heart or soul I’m sad to say. We get that Amon Amarth ‘hit the double bass drums and rising vocals for the chorus’ style yes, we get some nice playing no doubt but it just never hits those highs and the hooks never get under my skin. This kind of music relies totally on memorable songs with melodies that play havoc with your brain for days and that feeling of your heart rising in your chest but they never get there. ‘Old Mother Frost’ almost does it, almost, but despite being decent maybe the production has a little blame here. Perhaps it just doesn’t cut and shine as much as the music needs. But I don’t think it is entirely a production thing. Regardless ‘Old Mother Frost’ is a fine song.

Yeah it’s one of those albums. Nothing hugely wrong, a decent enough band but for my tastes the album just kind of fades after it ends. I daresay if you are a dyed in the wool melodeth fan you may well take this album to you bosom. Me, sadly not so much.

(6/10 Gizmo)

