It always surprises me when I come across some 90s bands I’ve never heard of and such is the case with Adorior. I kept seeing them pop up on gig posters and people being excited for them and I assumed I had just missed some fresh new band, but no. Adorior have been in the underground since their inception in 1994. This UK force of Extreme Metal wealth even released their debut Like Cutting The Sleeping in 1998, and a second full length in 2005, Author Of Incest. However, here I am with the band’s third full album Bleed On My Teeth in 2024. I expect Blackened Death Metal bliss, but how will it play out?

Exploding with the opener Begrime Judas there is a gradual bubbling inferno of frantic drums, tortured vocals and maniacal Thrash laced guitars. Let’s be clear too that the guitar tone is straight up early Slayer, Kreator, Sodom and so forth. As too indeed are the vocals, yet it doesn’t come off too hard as worship, rather it exhibits its own sound of Extreme Metal devastation. Ophidian Strike is next to hit, bringing a savage bass tone to the forefront amid further Blackened Death Thrash carnage. I was highly apprehensive of this band at first because I wasn’t aware of their long standing career and viewed them as a potential newcomer trve type act. Yet how wrong could I be, not only do they have every right to worship the old ways they also, most importantly, do this effortlessly. This is the type of record that exudes true Metal glory and I’m here for that. As we go further and into the brilliant L.O.T.P. Vomit Vomit Vomit Bastard (cracking song name, and maybe the best song on the album) it becomes apparent that the essence of Metal itself is within Adorior, seamlessly genre fluid whilst also underground yet unifying in tone. If you like a wide variety of ‘true’ Metal genres then you’ll find something for you in here and I find that fantastic especially in the midst of the current shouts of apparent ‘gatekeeping’ within the Metal underground. I do begin to wonder though during Precipice Of Fire whether this is an album I’d likely revisit time and time again, it’s hard to say, I mean it is truly unique, however it lacks some basic hooks with some songs being exceptions to this rule. It could be said that whilst the band offer something quite fresh yet old school it falls short of the mark here and there.

One of the things that I think is detrimental is the song lengths, Sips Of Sarin in particular capping over seven minutes. I really love the bands snappy, Thrash delivery and sound and I kind of wish the song lengths reflected that. Short, sharp and to the point is replaced with unnecessarily drawn out, but it must be said that I don’t dislike the actual sound the band create. I mean it kind of encapsulates everything I love about ‘real’ Metal. One thing I have to mention that is consistent throughout is the occasional super high pitched vocal notes, so anguished yet so clearly hailing from classic Heavy Metal it’s truly perfect and brilliant, one of the highlights for sure. Whilst the sound is entertaining the lack of distinct hooks becomes very apparent by the time I reach Scavengers Of Vengeance. Truth be told by this point I’m a bit over it, again this is highlighted in my comments on tracks being too long for what the music is. Monument Of Mania and the title track closer make for pretty much more of the same. I have to say though those high vocals literally hit every time, I might have to backtrack, I’d probably revisit this album on occasion for those alone.

Would I check out past or future releases based on Bleed On My Teeth alone? Absolutely yes. Would I watch this band live? Yes, maybe at a festival, but yes. Would I recommend this to friends? Again, yes. Will I stop asking questions? Apparently not. Alas I don’t hold this album in as high a regard as I had perhaps anticipated but equally I still really enjoy what the band are producing and as far as pushing the envelope of Blackened Death Metal and even Thrash this is a true genre defying article, I simply think the songwriting could be a little better.

(8/10 George Caley)