Next up in my collection of cassettes from Godz Ov War is this from Intolerance. As you might guess there are a few bands sporting this particular sobriquet, so to clarify this is the death metal band from Spain and is their second full length after 2022’s Dark Paths Of Humanity.

‘Towards Perdition’ is an intro with a very dark space horror feel, an Event Horizon kind of vibe before ‘Fade Into Oblivion’ kicks the airlocks in. This is sharp but still kind of grim almost technical death – all scything guitar breaks and metronomic drumming with harsh vocals barking out lines of hopelessness and slow death. ‘The Dark Forest’ actually expands on this cosmic horror feel, chained to a downtuned rattling riff it eases back considerably on the tech which suits my sensibilities more as does the pace shifting into slow crawl in places. ‘Rite Of Passage’ is a mid-paced affair, but neatly dark and with some good bass drumming. Sacrifice to be reborn appears to be the theme which again takes a path from a bitter gothic death to the cosmic enlightenment of an uncaring universe, at least from the printed lyrics. ‘Hand Of Glory’ is lyrically full on occult witchcraft with another midpaced riff and drive. The vocals are nicely varied here in particular which helps to add a little more character to what, to be honest, is beginning to feel like a fairly generic take on death.

Flip the tape over to side two and ‘Devourer Of Worlds’ has a neat, ponderous riff that descends into some good old school death metal rumbling. However even at just only over four minutes I’m honestly drifting in and out by this and repeated play-throughs are not helping. ‘Spontaneous Selfawareness Of The Void’ picks up the pace but sadly not the intrigue and ‘Melting Skies’ despite a good sense of dread and the inevitable end simply feels workmanlike.

Ah, I’m sorry. The good bits apart are not really engaging my emotions. Intolerance are a good tight band and I suspect play exactly what they wish to. Nothing wrong with the playing or even the ideas, however the songwriting is where it doesn’t quite hit the mark –  again hardly terrible and if you’re looking for a decent if generic bit of death then it will definitely fit. Just for me the songs lack a certain attack and hook, or the kind of brutality that can put over relentless grim riffing. I must stress though this isn’t bad, just not enough here to push it over I’m afraid. But I believe they still have a lot of growing room and the ability to take advantage of it.

 (5.5/10 Gizmo)