Feels like this has been talked about for a loooooong time. I have been receiving singles and preview tracks for a few months which has made my mouth water and my ears cower in anticipation.

Nails are a band that have reached demi-god status in the world of heavy. For some they are the epitome of extremity and the benchmark for modern Powerviolence. This kinda talk always brings out the gatekeepers and trollcreepers with the shouts about Trap Them, Weekend Nachos and ACxDC (shit with that last band it has sometimes been me). That being said the California band sure do make that nasty blend of hardcore and breakneck speed that many of us love.

The new argument can be around whether this is still Nails. The only original member is guitarist and frontman Todd Jones with other O.G. bassist John Gianelli exiting in 2021 along with long-time drummer Taylor Young of Twitching Tongues and God’s Hate fame.

Rounding up this new box of Nails are Shelby Lermo on guitars, Andrew Solis on bass and Carlos Cruz on drums. The one constant thing kids, is Kurt Ballou sitting behind the desk so you already know the production is gonna be top notch and gnarly as fuck.

Now as this is an almost complete overhaul of the Nails line up I am not going to continually compare this latest album with either the debut “Unsilent Death” or the last outing 2016’s “You Will Never Be One of Us”. If you liked those albums you will like this collection I can guarantee.

Something that appears different (hang on are you now comparing) is a more metallic approach to some of the album.  Powerviolence and Grindcore and the differences between the two genres help create pages and pages of inane nonsense on Reddit and in the old days the Terrorizer forum.  The basics that seem to be agreed on is that Powerviolence is more grounded in punk whilst Grindcore has its roots in metal.  Often the genres meld together in a (Spazztic) Blur(r). In fact, looking at most descriptions of Nails they are lumped into both genres and also, often straight Hardcore too.

Every Bridge Burning does everything but. If anything I feel this album builds bridges between those genres and will allow fans old and new a chance to crowdkill, headbang, two step and push pit to their hearts content.

Opening with the crushing “Imposing Will” sees Nails lurch out of the blocks like a rabid beast. It blisters and blasts before dropping back into a dirty groove which gives way to “Punishment Map” which is full of punky pissed off rage. The title track is filled with spite and gives off some latter day Napalm Death and early Brutal Truth vibes in equal measures. There is a right naughty little two step riff in there as well.

The spikes and bullet belts seem to leap out of the Nails dress up box with “Give Me the Painkiller” built as it is around a speed metal riff that would sit nicely on a Midnight album. Horns in the air and greasy hair whipping back and forth. “Lacking the Ability to Process Empathy” that follows is like the bastard son/daughter of Carcass and Stampin’ Ground. Gnarly metal riffs and big stompalongs with big, big drums. After all this metal “Trapped” drops in with 38 secs of dirty P/V before the only slightly longer “Made Up in Your Mind”.

“Dehumanized” has a hell of a riff with each guitar string sounding like plucked deep sea electricity cables wrapped in barbed wire, whilst “I Can’t Turn It Off” is like a P/V tribute to old school Suicidal Tendencies – I even find myself singing along. To Nails!

The album wins with what could be the anti Jimmy Cliff anthem “No more Rives to Cross” which is the slowest dirtiest track on the album. It swaggers and spits like old Iron Monkey – dripping in oil and oozing pustules. Impure sludgy filth.

In the UK calling someone or something “Nails” is to pronounce them hard as fuck. Every Bridge Burning is most definitely Nails.

(9/10 Matt Mason) 
