While it may seem as though some Norwegian black metal bands have long hiatuses between releases and tours, the reality is that the scene is a perpetually thriving beast with members playing in several bands, allowing them to explore different styles, keeping things fresh and keeping bands and fans hungry.

Svartelder are one such band, comprising Doedsadmiral (Vocals), Tjalve (Bass & Guitars) and Spektre (drums), who are perhaps better known for their roles with Nordjevel, Nattverd, From the Vastland and Gaahl’s Wyrd as well as many others, and that says it all about the pedigree of Svartelder, and sets the bar very high for their releases.

‘Trenches’ is only the band’s third full length, despite having been around since 2005, and it is five years since ‘Pits’ back in 2019, and so I was keen to get hold of this and give it a spin. Consisting 7 tracks and clocking in at 38 minutes, ‘Trenches’ is made up of punchy, impactful tracks, but still manage to develop an epic, almost bombastic feel. ‘Psychotic Symphony’ opens the album with razor sharp riffs, demonic vocals and agonised howls which come together to give an old school black metal atmosphere which pervades the rest of the album. Having said that, there is a more contemporary feel, especially with some of the melodic undercurrent that infiltrates the album. The intriguingly titled ‘Touch this Norwegian Finger’ opens with the ominous sound of somebody whistling, akin to the sound a serial killer might make while stalking his prey. The track then rumbles at a menacingly slow pace, with the malevolent whistling repeating through the track, creating a dark, sinister air, before ‘The Forgiving Isolation’ brings us back to more familiar black metal territory, although the air of maleficence remains here and in the remaining tracks.

This album manages to maintain its old school feel, while also capturing a dark, malevolent infestation that manages to become the prevailing atmosphere. Make no mistake though, this is no nonsense, aggressive, confrontational contemporary black metal and I hope for some live incursion before too long.

If you are a fan of black metal, I encourage you to pick this up where you will be treated with a familiar sound, with a modern twist.

(8/10 Andy Pountney) 

