Laceration is a very popular band name, especially in the USA, seeing as there are eight just from the US that have or have had this moniker. This version is from California and deals out some hefty death metal that takes its cue from the 90s when the scene was riding very high in popularity. As a second album it holds true to the very early facets of death metal set down by the major players of the time, preferring to unleash a total riff fest from start to finish.

A short intro piece paves the way for the album’s first main track ‘Excised’ which rips into you with old school deathliness but enhanced by a fresh modernity. The sound is quite dense but possesses a sharp almost acerbic tone on the guitar work as the drum work is pulverising and effective. Influentially there are references to acts such as Malevolent Creation and Skeletal Remains, but thrown into the mix the band’s penchant for the odd abrasive thrash riff takes the songs into Demolition Hammer territory as ‘Sadistic Enthrallment’ follows after its Hellraiser II film sample intro section. I really like the dense pummelling drum work this tune has, the blasted sections add considerable impetus alongside the excellent vocal tone.

A fine riff opens ‘Vile Incarnate’ that had me thinking about Deicide due to its catchiness as the drum work weaves its way around the breakneck tempo. All the songs are tempered by slower much more grisly sections and this one is no different and it is this aspect I felt makes the band extremely accessible and catchy. A two minute interlude, ‘Dreams Of The Formless’, of acoustic guitar and thunder noises splits the album into two as ‘Carcerality’ continues the albums uncompromising assault. I really liked the drum fill intro section as it intensifies the song towards its impending riff and blast detonation which ensues. The song is blisteringly fast in places courtesy of the drum work of course but also the explosive guitar work which is brutally effective.

Slightly longer is ‘Strangled By Hatred’ smashing into the listener with some formidable riffing and is possibly my favourite track on the album. The continual tempo deviations on this tune is also like Deicide due to the melodic riff style adopted as another very short piece ‘Impaling Sorrow’ blasts in and reminds you of just how devastating they can be. Contrasting hugely in terms of length is the title track closer which hits near the six minute mark. Unexpectedly it begins with blasted forays and a slight chaotic almost frenetic start before quickly settling into half blasted realms. Like the other songs it is punctuated with slower pieces as here the song twists around a central riff but adds a plethora of touches such as variable tempos and pin point lead work, something this album has in reams. The title track is ruthless from start to finish even when it slows down for the gnarly almost grisly toning of the guitar work.

An excellent slab of proper old school death metal that fans of any of the bands I’ve mentioned should be picking up, you won’t be disappointed, I certainly wasn’t.

(8.5/10 Martin Harris)