This Irish trio are, relatively speaking, a newish band formed in 2019 with this being their second EP. Repose were nice enough to send a lovely purple cassette version of this so of course it is only right I picked up my Walkman (always to hand. I listen to far too much dungeon synth and raw black metal) to give this the proper experience. Never having heard Incessant and knowing more about Repose than the band I figure black metal of some shade but whatever, Press that clunky play button!

Side Entropic begins with ‘Of Disillusion And Doctrine’. It has a very solid riff kicking off, a wall of guitar hitting hard and the feel of being thrust into a dizzying descent. Fast, and with great vocals ranging from black metal howls and cries to a clearer bellow. I mean the sound is like being hit by a stone wall; a huge mass just… blam! We get a little intricacy, a quiet moment before that maelstrom hits again. It’s damned impressive. ‘Upon The Cosmic Pyre’ begins with a deeply ominous sound and conjures up a riff that just sinks claws deep into you. The uncompromising vocals are tremendous. The sound Incessant have is somehow monolithic; not a feral beast tearing insanely, more something so massive and unmoving that it bends the universe around it. ‘Ephemeral Sanctity’ adds a little dissonance to the sound but it devolves into a low rumbling riff that carries the song well.

Side Aeons offers ‘Transient Oblivion’ and it highlights the curious aspect of their sound. Whilst undeniably black metal in soul and root, they have this almost sludge/doom approach to the intensifying of the riffs and that Amenra concept of eerie melody through which the power punches and that death/black feel like the superb Damnation’s Hammer. It’s a huge sound, a dark and hypnotic battering of soul and senses. The EP ends with ‘Entropy Of Aeons’, a full tilt hurtling journey into…somewhere. The fractured multiverse. Primal devastation interspersed with moments of disturbing tranquility.

It’s a cracking EP. Still not sure where they intend taking this; there’s definitely this progressive, sludge cloak to their black metal and I suspect this may grow stronger as they advance but whatever.

(8/10 Gizmo)