This is album number five for this US heavy/power metal band. Throughout their career they have provided, what I term happy heavy metal. The foundations of which are built from the forefathers of our lovely heavy metal genre, but lazily in Europe based on its rise in the late 1990’s, will probably get categorised as power metal.

‘Riding the Dragons’ is with pace, I find this Dio, Jag Panzer and US metal inspired. Again, strength is in the melody and the sheer smooth as silk musicianship. ‘Sword of a Thousand Truths’ is slower; perhaps a battle cry from the likes of Manowar, the vocal is strong, epic and soul supporting. Ironflame have always captured melody, they are displaying their art for all to follow on this track for sure. I can hear the screams, as will you the listener. ‘Standing Tall’ has a real Euro Romp through awesome melody from the guitar and the vocals. Flashes of group vocals entice the warrior spirit and the need for some camaraderie. ‘Shadow of the Reaper’ starts with a style of chord structure, a galloping nature, my metal weakness, yes, here we are able to sing in tune with the track from the first listen. The whole style makes a smile appear, things are right with the world. This is something to really immerse yourself in, forget about the daily grind, bring out that warrior spirit, rejoice and raise your glass. ‘Blood and Honor’ has a fretboard hammer on approach, not its not thunderstruck, but its metallic to the mas. The double kick drum thunders into battle and the fell is harmonised, much like the earlier Hammerfall material, the stance of Iron Saviour etc., it is genuine, without being too weak. It has balls.

I think you figure and get the picture of what to expect, I do find this a step up from their last release to be honest, we have the fight back along with the trademark melodies, oh and those guitar gallops. The global appeal of the like of Ironflame is much more expansive now; you only have to look at the increase of the festivals in their native US and the well-travelled nature of said bands back over the pond into Europe. The UK lags behind of course, we always do and there is a market and fans may crave this style to return to these shores, people just have to take a punt.

‘Kingdom Torn Asunder’ is another slab of refreshing heavy metal, riddled with quality, mythological fantasy, melody and conveys full fist in the air heavy metal vigour.

(9/10 Paul Maddison)