This is a death metal band from Slovakia active since 1995. I had not heard of them before initially, although I do remember seeing an older release “In the Garment of Lust”, mainly due to the artwork. This is their sixth full length release, and following the intro track, you are straight to the point, hammering and firing on full cylinders with ‘The Mouth of Abyzou’. This gives you a warm up, the following ‘Patron of Hate’ is much more concise and less chaotic; here you gain a sense of structure. The overwhelming influence I hear from this vocally and musically is Deicide. Lyrically we deal with blasphemy, the occult and anything anti-religious. Demonic intervention continues with the lighter side of the band, but the energy is pure evil, this being the title track ‘Spiritual Negation‘, its adding a statement with a slower pace and a more focussed battering. ‘Venom Divine’ sounds quite muddy, even if gasping for the poison from a lion faced serpent. It sounds constrictive, tight and precise, for me a touch too compressed. ‘Wrath Manifest’ continues in a manner like late 90’s era Morbid Angel, with a slower rhythmic guitar supported by a blistering paced drum track coupled with some weird augmented chords and a few half pinch harmonics and the track progresses.

As you wander further into this album, you gain a sense of power and strength, some of the time signatures take a bit of getting used to, but overall you have precision and really bloody evil death metal. Myself, I prefer the pacier pieces of the songs in general. ‘Exaltation of the Morningstar’ could be considered an epic death metal tune, full of depth, variation in time signature and a thunderclap of power with a turn of speed added for the complete mind bending experience. ‘Fate Weaver’ is deep into the Florida swamp, slow and sludgy, then the pace increases and some ambiance occurs that really makes a spectacular audible experience, cumulatively this is a track that highlights great depth and pure rottenness in one.

Overall, ‘Spiritual Negation’ is solid death metal release, losing the “brutal DM” tag might add more to their fan base as for me its rooted much more is classic Floridian death metal than anything else you may care to call the music. This depends if you follows tags and sub-genres of sub-genres of course. Perversity give you a good battering with flashes of my famous light and shade comment, bringing out the darkness, the speed, adding the brakes when needed thus, arrangements are strong and reliable, yet perfectly evil and blasphemous.

(8/10 Paul Maddison)