I probably should be more au-fait with this French duo’s output. After all they are on album number six here and their first on this label. Formed back in 2010 we have I, Luciferia providing all but the drums and his partner in battering, the more sensibly named Thomas. They have pretty solid credentials also having been involved in the likes of Reverence, Venefixion, ex-Arkhon Infaustus, ex-Osculum Infame among others. Raw and scabrous black metal is obviously the name of their dastardly game but we are promised more elements within the seven tracks on display here so without further ado, time to open the coffin.

Atmospherics are delivered via the sound of wind, corvids and chants with slow drumming heftily introduced on opening intro ‘Lilitû’. I assume it is in devotion to Lilith but all thoughts are quickly obliterated as the swagger of ‘Union triomphante’ drops all instrumental elements into the mix. It’s pretty damn savage but has a strong melody about it and the coarse vocal rasps compliment things perfectly giving it all a bloodthirsty and ravenous hunger. It’s very 90’s orientated as we have been informed and the production is solid adding the near pagan sounding heft. There’s certainly a feel of medieval darkness about it and listening is almost enough to have you checking for lumps and seeing if you have suddenly come down with the plague. ‘Cabale nocturne’ drenches us in delicious darkness and has a rampant brutality as Thomas pulverises with blast-beats. However, the duo are up for varying pace and it suddenly slows injecting a doomy cast over proceedings which is on the hypnotic and mesmerising side of things. Vampirism is also mentioned and the necrotic vocals add to the image of a lone predator stalking their domain and looking for victims. So too do the occasional between track funeral furniture as bells toll and macabre ambience is utilised to cast a spooky and moribund feeling of gloom over this haunted musical castle. One second we are belting away on ‘Indigent’ and the next we have solemn organ work wafting creepily away like it has escaped from a Jean Rollin film.

You wouldn’t want to make the mistake of trespassing into this lair. I’m taking the precaution of safely reviewing on the hottest, brightest day of the year so far and the interludes in particular still manage to cause goose-bumps. The mainframe of the songs offer nothing in the way of velvet-gloved caress, there’s nothing really in the way of mercy with our duo inclined to go for the throat rather than play cat and mouse games with their victims. As for their day-time resting places would be Helsing hunters should be advised that on the strength of songs such as ‘Eclat de Marbre,’ their tombs are littered with traps and wholly impenetrable. Completing the night with the baroque climatic ‘Renaissance’ Ende have certainly impressed and those looking for sanguine scriptures are advised to carefully creep in and take a cautious look around. This one is guaranteed to go bump in the night!

(8/10 Pete Woods)

