There’s no denying the Heavy Metal credentials of Crystal Viper. Founded and fronted by the considerable talents of Marta Gabriel, this no nonsense Metal band have been releasing in-yer-face, unapologetic Metal albums since their debut back in 2004. “The Silver Key” is the band’s 9th full-length album, so by now everyone should really know what to expect, and Crystal Viper never disappoint their loyal following. Over the past couple of albums however, there’s been moments on each release where the band have hinted at a more urgent, almost Power Metal attitude.

After Blazon Stone’s Ced Forsberg did an admirable job, laying the groundwork behind the kit on 2021’s “The Cult”, new drummer Kuba Galwas seems to have brought even more energy and urgency to the arrangements this time around, meaning some of the quicker songs wouldn’t be out of place on an Unleash The Archers release. The band’s excellent twin lead guitar approach is still plenty in evidence, which also lends itself to this album’s heavier, speedier attitude, dancing and shining on top of the heavy, thunder rhythms. This is clearly a more energetic, more vigorous, faster, heavier Crystal Viper than ever before.

Lyrically “The Silver Key” is intended as the natural successor to 2021’s Lovecraft inspired “The Cult”, and indeed, for a while even had the working title of “The Cult II”. But it quickly became clear to the band that this album needed its own identity – and it so should. Marta Gabriel’s ever confident, powerful delivery drives the lyrics home through intelligent, memorable vocal lines and hooks. Her vocals just seem to keep getting better, but equally, it might also be that the new energy and heaviness which this album exudes, suits her style perfectly. But then, she’s also utterly fabulous on the album’s only ballad “Wayfaring Dreamer”, so what would I know?

Crystal Viper are playing a shrewd game though. They’re a Heavy Metal band first and foremost, utilising speed and power as Judas Priest have in the past, stopping well short of anthemic, fantasy-driven Power Metal, pushing forward with epic, bombastic songs, instantly memorable yet at the same time layered and interesting. It’s great to hear Crystal Viper still evolving after twenty years and it really suits them. For me this is the band’s best, most accomplished release to date and will not only delight their existing fans, but the songs will go down a storm live. They’ll probably win even more fans from the wider Power Metal world as well, and justifiably so.

(8/10 Andy Barker)