This US band’s debut EP titled ‘The Killing Quartet Vol 1 – Reflection Of Murder’ typified just how brutal the brutal death metal genre can be when done right without resorting to overt technical wizardry just to plain show off and this latest EP is no different and in some respects continues where the debut left off. All of the band members play in a wealth of other acts as well as BTK (just noticed they have the same initials as Basement Torture Killings too) as the EP kicks off with a sample like the debut does. It does go on for longer than expected but the impending detonation duly follows and is utterly bombarding in tone and delivery on the title track opener. There has been some elevation in the technicality of the playing but one thing that stands out is the truly inhuman drumming by Justin Wallisch, his ability to unleash blurring blast sections is insane at times as is the cavernous vocal tones by Braxton Keyser. These in no way over shadow everything else as the guitar work is astoundingly effective too by the pairing of Von Young and Miles Ellegood leaving only Ian Dygulski to complete this bulldozing line up.

‘Details Of Sadistic Killings’ follows and thrusts the listener into copious blast beats and demented vocals all topped off by the technical trickery of the guitar work. In places when the song slows down a tad there are progressive elements that owe plenty to latter era Death or even Obscura to a degree. The lead break work is expertly crafted too as the song slows to a crawl offering layers of riffing that differs completely from how the track started. ‘Satisfaction Of Suffocation’ has a short coughing sample before what I would deem as a double kick blast beat ensues to bludgeon the crap out of you. Tempering everything is the guitar hooks and constantly morphing dynamics as the tune switches to a total annihilation with the vocals registering extremely low in tone here.

The closing doublet begins with ‘Watch The Suffer’ and continues the bombardment with no easing up whatsoever. The riff change is awesome however, very catchy and linked to the hyper speed double bass that threads through it. There’s the odd slam touch here and there on the riffing that gives it added bounce as the EP closes with ‘Virulent Necrosis’. Continuing in the same vein the song is slightly slower but equally dense and brutal as the double kick work shows. I do like the slower style the band offers, it is generally more accessible and gives you something to really gorge on when the riffs come at you like missiles. A formidable slab of brutal death metal from Between The Killings and one that fans of the genre should be checking out.

(8.5/10 Martin Harris)