I had heard a lot about this band. Everyone who mentioned them to me kept saying, “You have to listen to them; they are very unique.” I also heard that they were considered the next big thing in Greece. So, I was convinced and decided to go see them.

From the moment I saw how many people were gathered below the stage, I thought, “Wow, something’s happening here.” Then Khirki came out. A three-member band that played as if they were six.

Initially, I only paid attention to their stage presence, which is something you’ll notice in a new band if they truly have that extra something. All three were full of energy on stage. They played 100% professionally, constantly moving and interacting with the audience.

Musically, I had heard that they resembled Mastodon and had influences from many genres, etc. Well, they are one of a kind. They have managed to blend all their influences so well. From Greek folk elements to progressive, heavy rock elements, they produce a result that doesn’t resemble anything else. No other band.

You could hear traditional Greek sounds to black metal riffs in their tracks. They were solid and kept you very curious about what they would play next, and the next, until the set ended, and you didn’t even realize it.

The band has great potential to achieve something unique if they navigate their path correctly. They are definitely worth a listen.

Review and Photos Sotiris Zikas