It can be very easy for bands to pass you by and this Mexican Black Metal act is such a case for myself. Luciferian Rites formed back in 2006 and have since put out three full lengths and a mixture of Splits. Now we come to their fourth album however, Oath Of Midnight Ashes. Going into this release relatively blind and at a later stage of the band’s career kind of reminds me of blind buying records back in the day, so let’s see how this pans out.

Opening the proceedings is Intro, well at least it is what it says on the tin, could have had a bit more of a creative title for what is essentially, Classical/ Dungeon Synth but nonetheless a pleasant somber track that leads nicely into the actual opener. That song is the title track, hints of Melodic Black Metal and DSBM persist to create an overall atmospheric and emotive mix. The production is also borderline raw I feel and that works brilliantly especially with the shrill vocals of front-man Count Shadow. Perhaps a good starting point for those looking to delve deeper into the raw sound. The flow of this album is very pleasing, tracks evolve into one another with ease and every progression feels natural. The addition of clean vocals in Omnia Oscura is also a great touch, adding an almost Symphonic or at least Atmospheric edge to this pool of genres. Behind The Leviathan Storm sees our first foray into longer song territory with its over seven minute run time. Honestly it pays off, Black Metal in general is always so well suited to the lengthy treatment and Luciferian Rites do it so well. There is a general metallic undertow that is gritty and nasty through the guitars and drums and yet there is a softer melancholic sound found through certain riffs and vocals. It’s also a song that plays with some themes of Post-Black Metal/ Prog Black Metal, everytime I think this album is going to get dull it throws another genre tag into the ring.

Getting more into the latter half of the record with Under The Devil’s Cross and I’m still not bored. I would say that this song isn’t perhaps as exciting as some prior tracks but still it has its moments. An album like this is more about the journey than each individual song. Still hitting with further despairing pleasure is Astral Decay Of An Old Melancholy, which is mixture of words that perfectly describes Luciferian Rite’s sound. Yet again, you guessed it, more power, more influence and exceptional delivery. The riffs appear repetitive and hark back to and throughout the whole release but rather than getting stale they simply create this sort of collective consciousness that runs all the way through the album, honestly it’s magical. The second longer song Lord Of The Last Abyss follows a similar pattern to the other seven minute banger, but it’s a tried and tested flow that seems to work. Now, if I were to be hyper critical I could argue that the album is maybe a couple of tracks too long. By no means is any of it tiresome but I feel like dropping a song or too might have only boosted the sheer force of what is otherwise a quite untouchable work of brilliant and dare I even say modern Black Metal. Whilst I attest that the album could drop a couple of songs it would be hard to choose just what songs. The whole album fits together like a puzzle and even in the later stages of songs like Void Arcane and closer Spell Of The November Whispers the release continues to bring new ideas to the forefront.

All in all, I can’t argue that this is a true work of Black Metal devotion and genuine study. It has almost every trait one could possibly associate with the sound of Black Metal from the visceral to the depressive. From the barbaric to the delicate and beyond, it has honestly been some time since I’ve heard some Black Metal to strike me with quite this much passion. It’s forward thinking whilst still staying very true to the roots of Black Metal. I would use one word to sum it up though, dynamic. Through and through this album proves itself time and time again to be a melding of genres with utter perfection, devoid of lackluster performance.

(9/10 George Caley)