Utilising gruesome film sound bites, Canadian death thrashers Video Nasty have concocted a brutal blast of old school thrash metal that crosses over into hardcore punk and death metal ugliness. This self titled EP is the bands first outing and they’re set to make some noise.

Religion and Jesus especially are in the cross hairs of opening blast “Video Nasty”. The first of many film sound bites sets the tone of the track before a tough riff roars into life. An Exodus styled attack quickly follows on “Nightmare Beach” and is a guaranteed mosh pit starter. Death metal growled vocals give it an even more aggressive edge. Hardcore punk crossovers on “Castle Freak” up the intensity stakes with a juicy riff that rages.

A clipped Megadeth tinged groove on “Pieces” opens up to a more mid-tempo track and is one of the standouts. Ever wondered what Alice Cooper’s “Schools Out” might sound like thrashed up? Check out “Final Exam” – the kids are sure to riot. A nice cover of Sepultura’s “Antichrist” closes out the EP in suitably nasty fashion leaving you wanting more.

This is old school stuff delivered in a gloriously nasty fashion. I can only imagine that live, these guys must go off. For now, this EP is going to get a few spins.

7.5/10 Johnny Zed

