Being a reviewer is a little bit like constantly arguing with oneself. For example, when you see someone say something like ‘it’s excellent Black Metal’ and then later they say ‘there is too much of a Black Metal influence’ you probably think what is this buffoon on about! Well to that I say challenge yourself and write a review. You’ll soon understand the internal squabbling. This is very much the experience that I had with the following record.

That record would be The Genesis Of Genocide by Exterminated. Based in the Philippines this duo produce what can only be described as stripped back Brutal Death. More of that in a bit though. This release is the band’s debut full length release and is put out through none other than Comatose Music. That’s a strong start for a BDM band if I’ve ever seen one. You can’t rely on just a label though, what’s the actual music like?

Opening the album is Systematic Holocaust, I’d love to say I understand the ambience layered with guttural vocals, but I just don’t, it doesn’t flow into the music particularly well. That said I’m a big fan of the guitar tone and drums once things kick off. It’s all very traditional BDM and I’m all about that style. Impulsive Decimation continues with that rattling, ping-heavy snare, I really dig it. This added with the pinch harmonics from the guitars makes for something quite atypical, but good. However, that said good doesn’t quite cut it when reviewing. I can’t really say that I’m particularly blown away by any aspect of this record. Murderous Intent has its moments for sure, but I can’t say it’s something I’m keen on revisiting time and time again.

Grave For The Slaughtered gets the second part of the album going, and rather predictably it’s of a similar ilk to the first half of the album. Indeed, this is the sort of release that really makes you reflect and realise that sometimes innovation is a good thing. I don’t want to put Exterminated down though, don’t get me wrong it’s generic but generic just means ‘the same as the rest’ and if you like BDM then there’s some pleasure to be had here. That said you could just as easily say that if you’re a fan of the genre then this kind of run of the mill material just won’t do, that’s the camp I’d probably fall into. Honestly, by the time I reached Chaotic Dimension Of The Insane I was just about ready for the album to be over (although there is a nice Slam bit), in general though there are so few unique points to highlight throughout the release that the album just blurs together as one.

So, I think it’s pretty clear that I’m not the biggest fan. Sure, if this band were at a festival I’d watch them in passing but I don’t think I’d be enthralled, the allure of the bar would more than likely be more attractive. At the end of the day it’s BDM by numbers, it isn’t awful because I enjoy this style of music but it’s also about ten years too late to the party and with no real selling point to amp as nostalgia or throwback. I appreciate the classic edge that the band present but I could just as easily slap on some Lust Of Decay, Guttural Secrete or Condemned and be a lot happier.

(6/10 George Caley)