Cosmic black metal proclaims the PR, and they sure ain’t wrong. We get four long passages, a little under forty minutes, of a deep journey into dark space under the piloting of Lennart Janssen.

First track ‘Zinloos’ begins with unsettling, space warped keyboards before a storm of riff and keyboards, of battering drums, kick in. Its a slide into a space that reminds me of early Limbonic Art, a violent Midnight Configuration, a hint of The Kovenant and Arcturus. Quiet moments allow the void to drift in, a passage of exploration and even wonder which remains even as the tempo picks up. Cold, fearful and the dawning realisation of utter insignificance its quite excellent.

‘Herrijzenis’ brings more enveloping waves, a shuffle and slide and beat of almost trip hop before the noise swallows it and huge great chasms of space open. Radio crackles, something rumbles or breaks apart and a doom ridden howl drags the riff slowly out of the depths. It speeds up, blast beats driving, and a feeling of hopelessness hits me. There is though undoubtedly a sense of majesty in this too, the mote in the gods’ eye sense of scale rising up before you.

‘Like Gods’ crackles and splutters through my headphones, electronic pulse percussion fighting against surges of noise passing too close, formless initially but coalescing around a droning, white dwarf heavy sound. Rhythmic, caustic, it succumbs to a keyboard riff and thundering drum heart and sounds that might be voices, or might not.

‘Weavess’, the closer, offers spoken word from the expunged Book Of Enoch, a place where Nephilim and far worse dwell. A voice howls, tortured, and spins us deep into a nebulous maelstrom. Tempos slide into a twisted and turned crawl, pulsar points of music sounding from the darkness. This is not a hopeless place, more a sector where our meaning and purpose is insignificant. Whether the quiet annihilates us or the chaos rebuilds us, it is all random, incidental flailings of a turning cosmos.

This is an excellent debut, one where Midnight Configuration meets Darkspace and their gravity pulls in dark ambient from the depths of the Cryo Chamber universe. If any of that appeals, set the controls for the heart of this very dark sun…

(8.5/10 Gizmo)