War! What is it good for? Not a lot really, other than perhaps music. I mean is war the love song of the Metal or even Punk world? I would say so. It’s a topic that is covered time and time again, to be honest perhaps a little too much. Don’t get me wrong I can understand it, war is pretty insane and there is lots of subject matter to work with from the battlefield to the politicians. None the less I’d probably rather have songs about dragons and mad astral planes than I would the sad reality of war. That said I do like me a bit of Sabaton, which is far flung from the band we’re covering today.

The band we’re talking about is Shrapnel Storm. They hail from Finland and have been active since 2006, a pretty long campaign so far. The band have put out demo after demo, eventually releasing a debut through Witches Brew called Mother War in 2015. However, the battle still rages on, this time with an allegiance under the banner of Great Dane Records. The bands second effort is a self-titled affair and whilst I’m not a fan of anything other than a debut being self-titled I can’t really hold that against them, anyway, to war!

There is a definite OSDM/ Thrash vibe about this band, and to be honest that’s kind of what I’d expect. Opening track, The Burning is full of classic Thrash riffs and Morbid Angel style vocals, a pretty strong start it must be said. Riding Against Dawn provides more riffs with added memorability, overall rumbling OSDM vibes with subject matter that fits the music. By the time we get to Battlewraith however we’re used to the band’s formula and overall sound, I can’t say I’m tired of it but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before.

However, it’s by the time we get to Heart Of Winter that I’m pretty well over it, it’s good and if you saw these guys as a support band you’d be stoked but other than that it’s not going to change your perception of Death Metal or anything. Sure, Visions Of The Violent Past and a few prior tracks like Riding Against The Dawn and Triumph Over The Weak pack a punch but it’s no knockout, there is just a little something missing, for me a good anthemic chorus wouldn’t go amiss. Finally, the band take an unexpected turn with a seven-minute track, Forsaken Pride. Truthfully though it isn’t very exciting, merely an elongated display of prior ideals. Then just when you think it’s all over, tacked onto the end is ‘bonus track’ Trapped Inside War, an unnecessary addition really.

So if you like your Death Metal as plain as the concept of war in a metallic setting then you’ll be right at home with Shrapnel Storm. I mean I hate interludes and instrumentals but a few war themed portions wouldn’t have been out of place here, really, it’s just bland Death Metal. I sound like I’m moaning, but I’m not, it’s fine music, but fine isn’t exactly what people look for in new music. They look for the next big thing, something different and exciting, Shrapnel Storm just aren’t it.

(5/10 George Caley)

